The morning started with some ice breakers - drawing our expectations for the day in less than five minutes (not easy), and all of us then knuckled down and thought about what makes art workshops/outreach projects different to learning in a school-based environment. The key elements that we all felt should run through a good workshop were an informal tone, practical, hands-on, supportive, flexible, engaging and just a bit of good old fun.
Lynn shared with us several of her experiences of running art workshops with a diverse range of young adults, including one project that saw her participants exhibiting their work on the Fourth Plinth at Trafalgar Square! Lynn encouraged us to spend the afternoon planning and then running our own workshops which we presented to each other and received feedback on, pooling together everything we had learnt so far in the day. It was an intense afternoon, but fantastic to gain such insight from an industry professional on how to develop and implement engaging and memorable workshops for audiences of all ages.
Thank you so much Lynn! Here is a little comic recording the day:
Comic by