Laydeez do Comics is a forum for comics creators, illustrators and filmmakers to listen to talks, present their work and meet and network with other creators. The emphasis is particularly on ‘life narrative, the drama of the domestic and the everyday’, with a preference on more ‘new wave’ and experimental work as opposed to more mainstream superhero comics.
Despite the title Laydeez do Comics is not just for women with men both attending and presenting their work as well.
The event held on Monday 29th November 2010 at The Rag Factory included 5 speakers:
An artist and illustrator who presented a selection of life and observational drawings she had produced. What was interesting about this presentation was that she used it as an opportunity to gain feedback and suggestions on where she should take her work in the future.
A comics artist whose graphic novel Britten and Brulightly is being published by Jonathan Cape. Hannah presented some of the process of creating her graphic novel showing how characters developed from her time at university.
A filmmaker who presented the drawings she creates during the film making process. A lot of her work stemmed from her emotional at certain times which then developed into more fully formed ideas.
Paul told the group about his time publishing Escape which was a comics magazine presenting both well known and less well known creators. It was interesting to see the creators that were introduced in Escape who went on to become big names in the comics industry.
Neil Philips is a Psychiatrist and publisher Shrink Rap Press. He talked how he uses cartoons to communicate his ideas about mental illness through his Shrink-Rap Press
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