From scores of high quality applicants, six 21-25 year olds were chosen to showcase the best of young British comic talent. They will be interning at the londonprintstudio creating comics anthologies and running workshops for youth in the local community. The project is generously sponsored by John Lyon's Charity.
Dear All
You are invited to the private view of the 'IMAGINED CITIES' exhibition at londonprintstudio on Thursd
From mad bird gods to man-eating women, from a run down Northern suburb to an Eastern block city; the work you will see in the IMAGINED CITIES exhibition showcases the varied imaginations of some of the best young, British comic artists. This exhibition is the culmination of a 6 month internship run by the londonprintstudio where five interns (Joe Kelly, Rachel Taylor, William Goldsmith, Isabel Greenberg and Freya Harrison) created new original narrative art as well as mentoring local teenagers and creating an anthology. Their work, and that of the 16-20 year old students, is displayed alongside professional British comic artists who have acted as project mentors; Al Davison (Vertigo), Ellen Lindner (Whores of Mensa), Karrie Fransman (Random House) and publisher SelfMadeHero. The book also features a foreword from Posy Simmonds (creator of Tamara Drewe).
The exhibition runs at the londonprintstudio from 17th- 25th June. See you down there for nibbles and drinks!
The londonprintstudio Comic Collective