Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Workshop with Woodrow Phoenix

Last week, we had a workshop hosted by talented comic creator Woodrow Phoenix about constructing comics.

He talked us through the actual processes of brush and ink VS graphics tablet, as well as showing us how to create quick stories and characters (which was very funny). He also outlined the difficulty we have as comic artists of reaching audiences and people's (unfortunate) reluctance to reading them.

Comic by Freya Harrison.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Photos From Angoulême

Here are some photographs I took when the londonprintstudio took us to Angouleme for the International Comic Festival 2011.

To hear our stories about the trip, I recommend you come to our talk at the next Ladeyz Do Comics on the 28th of February in London.

- Rachel Emily Taylor




(The actual Festival was very crowded as you can see!)

(Buns and comics in the local bakery!)

(director of LPS John Phillips with Jane, Karrie and interns)

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Whores of Mensa

Last week we had Ellen Lindner and Jeremy Day from 'Whores of Mensa' come and run workshop with us. 'Whores of Mensa' is a great comic anthology and they came to give us some help regarding the anthology we are putting together.